MTSMA 2003 Schedule

Friday April 4

1:00–2:30pm Paper Session 1

Nations Bank Lounge, Second Floor, New Building

A Modular Space Approach to Voice Leading in Atonal Music
Michael Berry (Graduate Center of the City University of New York)

Textual and Musical Analysis of Stravinsky’s Full Fadom Five
Jonathan Saggau (New England Conservatory of Music)

Tchaikovsky and Desirée: A Possible Secret Program for the B♭ minor Concerto
Robert Gauldin (Eastman School of Music)

3:00–3:30 Refreshments and Conversation

3:30–4:00 Roundtable Discussion on Teaching Music Theory in the 21st Century

Led by John Buccheri (Northwestern University), Charles Deering McCormick Professor of Teaching Excellence and immediate Past President of The College Music Society

5:00–6:00 Reception

Nations Bank Lounge, Second Floor, NB

6:00–7:30 Inaugural Banquet Celebration and Keynote

Nations Bank Lounge

Robert Gauldin (Eastman School of Music), Past-President of the Society for Music Theory

Presentation of the Award for the Best Graduate Student Paper to Michael Berry (Graduate Center of the City University of New York)

8:00 Outside Events

Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, Center Stage, Charles Theatre, Everyman Theatre, et al.

Saturday, April 5

Nations Bank Lounge, Second Floor, New Building

8:00 Registration

8:00–9:00 Continental Breakfast

Croissants, danishes, fruit, juices, coffee and tea. No charge.

9:00–12:00 Paper Session 2

From Alienation to Abnegation: Jenufa and the Metaphysics of Dramatic and Musical Discourse at the Turn of Century
Matthew M. Werley (Temple University)

Scriabin’s Octatonic Ur-Motives: Genesis, Contextand Process
Ellon D. Carpenter (Arizona State University)

Prelude to a New Music: The Principle of Oppositionin Charles Griffes’s Final Works
Taylor Greer (Pennsylvania State University)

Voice-Leading Constraints in the Music of Elliott Carter
J. Daniel Jenkins (Eastman School of Music)

Tonnetz Chains and Clusters in Post-Bebop Jazz
Steven Strunk (The Catholic University of America)

12:00–1:00 Luncheon

Peabody Dining Room

1:00–1:30 Business Meeting

Inaugural Business Meeting and Election of Officers

1:30–3:30 Paper Session 3

Conventional Conceptual Metaphors and Music Theory: Iconic Models
Richard S. Parks (The University of Western Ontario)

Schönberg on Mahler: Op. 19, No. 6
Eric McKee (Pennsylvania State University)

Six Degrees of Confirmation: Deception, Evasionand Abandonment in Korngold’s Die tote Stadt
Edward D. Latham (Temple University)

The Diminished Seventh Chord as Prolongational Agent in Bach, Chopin and Jobim
Norman Carey (Eastman School of Music)

3:30–4:00 Refreshments and Conversation

4:00–5:00 Paper Session 4

Compositional Prototypes in the Piano Music of Ellsworth Milburn
Ellen R. Flint (Wilkes University)

A Japanese Garden? Western Confluences in Töru Takemitsu’s In An Autumn Garden for Gagaku
Ieda Bispo (Joetsu University, Japan)

Last updated