Friday, February 21, 2025
Friday sessions will take place in the Joseph Theater (201 Breidenbaugh Hall). Gettysburg College buildings do not have official street addresses, but Breidenbaugh is located at approximately 342 N. Washington St.
12:15pm Welcome
12:30pm–1:30pm It’s Academic
Chair: John Peterson, James Madison University
L’étrangeté du son: Deconstructed Voices in Gérard Grisey’s Student Works
Nathan Cobb, Shenandoah University
Twelve-Tone as Topic: Satire, Politics, and Postwar American Concert Music*
Jacob Eichhorn, Eastman School of Music
1:45pm–3:15pm Jazz and Philosophy
Chair: Kim Loeffert, Virginia Tech
George Russell and the Metaphysics of Spacetime
Mark Micchelli, University of Pittsburgh
A Rosary of Tears: Tonal Indeterminacy in the Music of Frank Sinatra*
Cameron J Gwynn, Florida State University
Hearing Hybridity: Jason Moran’s Version of Brahms’s Intermezzo op. 118, no. 2*
Jonathon Crompton, Columbia University
3:30–5:30pm Professional Development Workshop
An Introduction to Choreomusicology: The Measurements of Music and Dance
Gretchen Horlacher (University of Maryland-College Park)
6:00pm Conference Banquet
The Grill on Lincoln (no address; approximately 242 W Lincoln Ave)
Banquet options can be selected upon registration.
Saturday, February 22
All Saturday sessions will take place in 214 Schmucker Hall (approximately 211 N. Washington St)
8:00am–9:00am Executive Board Meeting
8:00am-9:00am Breakfast Reception (Second Floor Lobby)
Continental Breakfast sponsored by Auralia / Musition
9:00am–10:30am Video Game Music and Music Video
Chair: Megan Lavengood, George Mason University
Semiosis is Always an Option: Categorical Music Experience in Untitled Goose Game
Martin Ross, University of Western Ontario
Music’s Role in Signifying the Progression of Difficulty in Survival Rogue-like and Sandbox Adventure Games*
Brian Junttila, Florida State University
Analyzing Fan Authorship in Vocaloid Music*
Brandon Qi
10:45am–12:15pm Perceiving Form in Pop and Metal
Chair: Anna Rose Nelson, University of Maryland
Screaming Forms and Formal Screaming, Timbral Transformations in Extreme Metal Verse-Choruses*
Avinoam Foonberg, University of Cincinnati, College-Conservatory of Music (CCM)
The Arrested Ending: Exploring Death Through Silence in Popular Music*
Brittney Pflanz, Florida State University
A New Quantitative Approach to Headbanging at the Frontiers of Groove
Calder Hannan, Columbia University
12:30–1:45pm Lunch and Business Meeting
Lunch can be ordered upon registration.
2:00pm–3:00pm Keynote Address
Setting the Stage: The Use of Space and Sound in Theatrical Dance
Gretchen Horlacher (University of Maryland-College Park)
3:15pm–4:15pm Music Across the Centuries
Chair: TBD
Analyzing Counterpoint in Josquin’s Extended and Unaccompanied Strict Canons
David Geary, Wake Forest University
Theorizing Dynamics Added to Baroque Slow Movements by Twentieth-Century Editors
Jenine Brown, Peabody Conservatory of the Johns Hopkins University
4:30pm–5:30pm Authorship and Musical Identity
Chair: Chelsey Hamm, Christopher Newport University
How much does it “Hurt”? Assessing Listener Perception of Similarity Across Musical Covers
Richard Drehoff Jr., Peabody Institute of Johns Hopkins University
Listening To See: Voice and Agency in Jeremy Dutcher’s “Sakomawit”
Judith Ofcarcik, James Madison University
* denotes eligibility for the Dorothy Payne Award for Best Student Paper